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Injured New York Workers Hurt By Loss of Wages During the Holidays

As the holiday season approaches, households are facing some big expenses. According to National Retail Federation, families are expected to spend in excess of $800 this holiday season. If you cannot work due to a workplace injury, you may face financial hardship and have a difficult holiday season. Workers' compensation is supposed to protect injured...

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Common Workplace Injury Risks Resulting in Fines for NY Contractors

Within the field of construction, there are four common causes of workplace injury responsible for well over half of all fatalities among construction workers. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) indicates the four most common causes of construction worker fatalities are falls, electrocutions, getting hit by some object, or getting caught in or between objects....

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15 years later, asbestos exposure for First Responders can still cause cancer

When I first started my career as a worker's compensation attorney, my office represented thousands of workers exposed to asbestos who subsequently developed lung conditions such as asbestosis, bronchitis, reactive airways disease, and lung cancer. Lung conditions caused by asbestos exposure are slow starting and generally occur as a result of long-standing exposure to asbestos, as...

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A Lack of Federal Oversight Has Allowed Many States to Deny Workers’ Compensation Claims

A report by the Department of Labor highlights recent changes in the workers' compensation policies of more than 30 states that have made it more difficult for injured workers to file a claim and easier for insurance companies to deny claims. This means that too many employees did not receive medications, surgeries or prosthetics that...

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Four Amusement Ride Dangers to Watch Out for

Millions of people visit amusement parks each year. According to a survey put out by the International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions, there were over 1,000 amusement park-related injuries in 2014. This survey only examined fixed rides in parks like Six Flags and Disney, and does not include figures for rides in county fairs,...

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Employers Can Reduce Workers' Comp Claims by Teaching Driving Safety

Employees miss 1.6 million days of work each year in the United States as a result of involvement with motor vehicle accidents. Auto accidents at work are one of the top causes of on-the-job injuries and on-the-job fatalities. When factoring in all of the myriad costs associated with automobile accidents in the workplace, employers lose...

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New York Workers Compensation Attorney Michael Gruber Elected President of Workers’ Injury Law & Advocacy Group

Attorney Michael Gruber, a partner at Pasternack Tilker Ziegler Walsh Stanton & Romano, LLP, was recently elected president of Workers' Injury Law & Advocacy Group (WILG). "I am honored and excited to be elected president of the Workers' Injury Law & Advocacy Group," Gruber said. "As a longstanding member of the organization and its Board...

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On the 15th Anniversary of 9/11, Some Good News for WTC First Responders

Last Sunday was the 15th Anniversary of one of the darkest days in our history. The attack on our nation at multiple locations marked a turning point in our world and changed our lives forever. On that day, almost 3,000 people were murdered with casualties at the Pentagon, in Shanksville, PA, and at the World...

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A Need for Federal Safety Regulations at Theme Parks

During the next couple of weeks, many of our children will be heading back to school. Some teachers will instruct their students to write an essay about what they did on their summer vacations. I am sure many students had vacation plans that included traveling to theme parks, recreation areas, and water parks. These young...

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