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Outdoor Workers at Risk of Heat-Related Illnesses

Summer brings many risks for outdoor workers, with thousands becoming sick each year as a result of exposure to excess heat. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has launched a new campaign to prevent heat illness in outdoor workers in order to reduce the chances of illness or fatalities. Employers need to be aware...

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New Commission Proposed to “Improve” Social Security

Individuals who depend upon Social Security Disability benefits for their income should be on alert, as two U.S. Representatives are now proposing the creation of a bipartisan commission to improve Social Security. Unfortunately, when politicians try to "improve" programs, often this ends up having an adverse impact on the benefits that people within the program...

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Critical Issues with the Social Security Disability System

The Social Security Disability (SSD) system provides significant benefits to workers who become disabled. If you have paid in enough money to earn work credits, or if you have limited income and few resources, you should be entitled to receive disability benefits if you have a long-term medical condition that prohibits work. Unfortunately, while the...

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SSD Utilization Differs by County

In 2012, $120 billion in Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits were paid out to nine million people. The rapid increase in the number of people receiving disability benefits has led to questions about fraud in the program, although the most likely explanation is that people are getting older and sicker. A bad job market also...

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Temp Employees at High Risk of New York Work Injuries

Amid a slew of serious injuries and fatalities incurred by temporary workers - who often aren't properly trained, equipped or supervised - the Occupational Safety & Health Administration division of the U.S. Department of Labor has announced it is increasing its scrutiny of companies that routinely use temp agency services. This is important news because, as...

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New York City Social Security Disability Appeals to Get Tougher

Appealing a rejection of Social Security Disability Insurance benefits in New York City may soon get harder, as the federal agency, bowing under political pressure, seeks to increase the threshold of proof for claimants. Our New York accident attorneys have learned that the new proposed rules would require all appellants to present all "relevant" medical...

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New York Social Security Disability Changes Coming in 2014

The Social Security Disability Insurance benefits program will be undergoing a number of changes over the next year in the way the government determines whether applicants qualify. The New York Social Security lawyers at Pasternack, Tilker, Zielger, Walsh, Stanton & Romano, LLP understand that some of these changes could improve your chances of receiving benefits, but...

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Cold Weather Work Injuries in New York On the Rise

A recent NBC New York report indicated that 911 calls for slips and falls on icy pavement have surged in recent weeks. Then there were reports that falling ice from One World Trade Center led to the closure of several bustling streets nearby. And, of course, car accidents are more common when the roadway surfaces are...

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New York Work Accidents - 2013 OSHA Enforcement Targets

According to Safety News Alert,  the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is going to have a busy year in 2014. OSHA has released information about its new regulatory agenda and the agency is going to make or change many regulations and rules designed to protect employees on-the-job. The proposed rules and regulations that OSHA...

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Employees Face Many Workplace Safety Challenges Due to Understaffed OSHA

Workers' compensation lawyers in New York know that the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is the agency entrusted with protecting workers from unsafe work conditions. OSHA promulgates rules, oversees compliance with regulation, investigates workplace accidents and deaths and issues citations when employers allow dangerous conditions to exist on the job. Unfortunately, the agency is chronically...

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